Kim chungu
Address of the company
translation and interpretation HQ
Human resource development team
152-779 Room 201-N10, Ace Techno Tower 3cha, 38 29-gi,l Digital-ro, Guro-gu Seoul, Korea.
FAX : +82-2-2109-6372
218 KRC Bldg. 108 Lopez Zaena Brgy. Subangdaku Mandaue City, Cebu.
TEL : +63 (032) 417-4355
Plot# 01, Road# 10/17, Block-E, Banani, Dhaka 1213 Banlgadesh NI Tower, 5th Floor.
TEL : +88
017676 57203
Translation・Interpretatin for 169languages
Multilanguage DTP
Narration in multiple
HP creation in multiple languages
Dispatch of foreign workers
HR recruitment
Recrutiment support
Language teacher dispatch
Reserch on foreign workers
Monitor dispatch
Industry research
October 19th 2001(established:1998.8)
20 million yen
A bridge between Japan and the World b-cause aims to contribute to the evolution of global economies by making communication possible and connecting different cultures.
The company name 'b-cause' derived from 'because'.
When the company was founded in 2003, Japanese was advanced and mature country but there was room for
improvement on Japanese perception on foreign people and foreign languages.
b-cause had strong desire to change the perception and bring better understanding to the society.
This is our mission and something we do not want to forget. That is how b-cause became our company name.
Another reason was that the names of our three founding members started with C, O and C.
The story of our logo goes back to the former company, Tobiuo International.
Tobiuo in Japanese means flying fish and it signifies our efforts to succeed in overseas market as if
tobiuos eager to fly to the sky as a sea creature.
The two ovals leaning towards each other sympbolize T and I from Tobiuo International.
It also means relationship, communication and trust.
CEO | Kim chungu |
Director lawyer | Shouta Kouno |
Director | Tetsuji Inoue |
Auditor | Yasuhiro Matsumoto |
Employee 37(Japanese:5, Korean:3, Chinese:3, Bangladesh:19, Phillipines:7)
25006 人 (2018.12.30 Current)
Administered by Ministry of Labour of Health, Labour and Welfare. | staff dispatch: 般13-304358 |
Administered by Ministry of Labour of Health, Labour and Welfare. | Employment agency: 13-ュ-304048 |
Japan translation federation
Tokyo Chamber of Commerce
Recognized by Kyoto Chamber of Commerce Business Model(2002.10)
Tourism Venture company business plan
encouragement award(City of Kyoro 2001.11)